Feedback is now open

29 July 2024

From 1 April - 12 May 2024 we asked for community feedback on the playground design, location, and accessibility.

Feedback has been used to draft a concept design for the upgrade which incorporates:

    • New concrete paths and areas of rubber softfall to improve access to, and around the playground.
    • New playground furniture including swings, a combination play unit with slides, a climbing net for older kids and a cubby house and toddler play items for younger kids.
    • A circuit path for scooters and trikes.
    • New sandstone blocks to provide additional gathering areas and places for sitting.
    • Additional seating.
    • An upgraded bubbler.
    • Retention of shade trees and grass areas.
    • A new fence to provide protection between the playground and Wellbank Street.

    We're now asking for feedback on the draft concept design for Central Park. We want to know what you like about it and if anything is missing. Take a look at the draft concept design and share your feedback by Sunday 1 September 2024.

    Provide Feedback

    View the draft concept design and provide your feedback!