Project Background

Council is designing a nature adventure play space at Brett Park, Drummoyne. This is a jointly funded project with $250,000 from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s Places to Play Program, and $400,000 allocated by Council. As part of our Let’s All Play Strategy, we consulted the community on the facility design, location, and accessibility.

As the existing playground is due for an upgrade, we are planning to create a new, natural play environment that consists of tree logs, natural timber, rope elements, boulders, plants, water, sand, and sensory play, instead of traditional plastic playground structures.


Updated final plan

Minor modifications have been made to the playground layout to minimise impacts on existing trees. These modifications include:

  • Additional rubber softfall area
  • Sandstone log wall proposed to accommodate level change
  • Removal of sandstone steps
Click image to view in full screen


In the first round of community consultation (11 August - 4 September 2022), we asked the community where they would like to see the new playground located. Location A was the preferred location.

We will maintain the existing playground until the end of its serviceable life. After this point, it will be upgraded into an outdoor fitness area. We will update the community when the playground reaches the end of its serviceable life.

Location options (outlined in round 1 consultation)

Location options

Draft Concept Plan

Following the first round of consultation, Council prepared a draft concept plan for the new playground and is proposing to build it in a new location at the corner of Tranmere St and Day St.

We asked the community about possible alternative locations for a new playground, as the existing playground is not easily accessible and is tucked away in a dark corner of the park. Feedback received indicated that Location A (at the corner of Tranmere and Day Streets) is the preferred location for the playground, so Council is proposing to build the adventure playground here.

The existing playground will be maintained until the end of its serviceable life, before becoming an outdoor fitness area. Community feedback has been summarised into an engagement report which can be found here.

We asked for feedback on the draft concept design from 1 February - 2 March 2023.

Click images to view in full screen

Draft concept plan

Final Plan

Council developed the final playground concept based on the community feedback received.

Key changes were made, including:

  • Improvements to the accessibility of the park entrance near Tranmere Street and Day Street by installing an accessible ramp
  • The addition of one mobility car parking space on Day Street
  • Ensuring the playground is partially fenced in areas close to traffic
  • Additional trees are proposed adjacent to the embankment slide and swing to provide natural shade
  • Additional seating and table options are provided, including low table and seating stairs