Updated Draft Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme
The City of Canada Bay has prepared an updated draft Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme (AHCS) to include the area west of Rhodes Station, also known as Rhodes Station Gateway West.
The inclusion of this additional area into the AHCS is in-line with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s (DPIE) exhibition of the draft Rhodes Place Strategy https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/Rhodes which took place in August to September 2020.
The Rhodes Place Strategy determined that land in Rhodes Station Gateway West would apply a rate of 5% of additional gross floor area, above the controls already set out in the Canada Bay LEP, with the exception of sites at 4 Mary Street and 1-9 Marquet Street where a rate of 3.5% applies to any additional residential floor area.
The updated Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme can be viewed via the link below.